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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


High Speed Special Folder Gluers

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The COMBI+UNICA is ideal for a wide range of folding and gluing. Quality and speed of set up and production are assured by several key factors. Some products are.

· Presentation folders of many kinds · Special envelopes · CO/DVD wallets with 1 or 2 pockets · CD/DVD wallets from 1 to 4 reinforced panels · Photograph frames · Photograph pockets with two compartments · Book covers with flaps, flexible book covers · Office files and medical case note files · Simple inline boxes and tent cards

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Bar Coding Machinery, Batch Coding And Printing Machinery, Batch Coding Machinery, Batch Printing Machinery, Cartoning And Tape Closing, Cartoning Of Fresh Product, Check Weighing, Coding Machinery, Conveyour System, Date Coding And Printing Machinery, Date Coding Machinery, Date Printing Machinery, Edge Gliding, Envelop Making, Equipping Induction Aluminum Foil Sealing Machine, Front Edge Trimmer, Grading Of Fruits And Vegetables, High Speed Shrink Wrapping, High Speed Special Folder Gluers, Lighter Labeling Machine, Machinery Coding Machinery, Mezzanine Systems, P Stretch Wrapping Solutions With High Flexibility, Poly Packs And Net Packing, Post Harvest, Products, Punnet Packing, Rackin Light Medium And Heavy Duty, Racking Shelving And Mezzanine Systems, Shelving, Shrink Wrapping, Sorting Of Fruits And Vegetables, Strapping, Stretch Wrapping, Taping, Washing Drying And Waxing Of Fruits And Vegetables, Window Pasting